Tuesday, June 17, 2014

OMG it has been over a week!

I can't believe it has been over a week since my last post!  So many things to tell.  I am going to give you the quick update.

Liam had Monday and Tuesday off last week and he behaved himself for hacks on Wednesday and Thursday.  Wednesday we worked over a line of raised cavaletti.  They were set up as a solid 5 strides apart.  Because they were only like 6 inches off the ground I worked over them going left and right doing an add in 6 and double add in 7.  Liam was really good and listening to direction.  Thursday we worked on transitions.  He was good, nothing worth telling about.

Friday I went for a jump school.  It was raining and we were stuck inside.  Liam was pretty forward but for the most part really listened.  I really like the forward ride without the bucking!!!

Saturday I had a baby shower in the afternoon so I went and rode Liam first thing in the morning and got him ready for the show on Sunday.  Saturday we worked on lengthening and collecting in the canter, all in all he was good with little fussing.  Got Liam washed, face trimmed, mane touched up, and trailer packed in record timing.

Headed to a schooling show on Sunday morning.  Liam started out fresh and spooky, but settled relatively quickly.  It was really windy out and the jumps were decorated with a ton of foliage that was blowing around.  I can't really blame him for being spooked by it.  All in all he was good though.  Headed to the indoor to school over jumps and when I went to canter my first low jump Liam was spooking all the way up to the jump at things around him.  He noticed the jump about 2 strides away and I took my leg off (ugh, why do I do this) and he did a beautiful halt right in front of it.  Nope, not what I wanted at all... Turned right back around and headed to it again and his head was in the game this time and hopped right over.  What is up with this?!?!  Note to self, do not take my leg off.

Finished up schooling over some more jumps and went in the ring.   Liam felt like he was going to do the same thing to the first jump on course, but I kept me leg on this time and he jumped it.  The rest of the course was rough because I guess I over rode everything, but he got around.  The second course was better, but again really forward, but good.  We had a rail in the second class.  Liam pulled me past a distance a little bit and I jumped up his neck, and you all know the rest...he hit the rail with his front end.  Oh well.  The third class was by far our best.  We were on the same page the entire course.  Good boy!

We ended up 2nd in the first class, which was an optimal time class; sixth in our second class with a rail, power and speed class; and second in our last class, which was a timed first round and jump off.  With these results we were reserve champions at the show!  WOOHOO!

I am a bad blogger and didn't get any pictures at the show, but I will treat you with a sneak preview of the professional photo shoot we did yesterday.  More to come!

Liam is having a pro ride on Thursday this week and I'll have a jump school Sunday morning.  Then, we are off to Princeton Show Jumping Horse Show for 2 weeks starting next week.  I am really excited to see how we will grow with back to back showing!


  1. Congrats on the show results! That picture of you two is super cute!

  2. Great picture :) Good luck at your back to back shows!

  3. can't wait to read the excitement about 2 weeks of showing and Liam having to be in a horseshow stall! that is the most beautiful picture i have ever seen with a girl and her horse! Love it! now i want one!
