Friday, April 18, 2014

Is this really my horse???

Headed down the mountain for another jump school yesterday. 

I was tired yesterday from a long week and my legs felt like jello from the gym, but I am determined to keep this horse going!!!

I didn't really have much time to flat.  When I arrived at the ring another person was having a lesson and jumping courses and even though the ring is big I hate to get in any ones way while they are jumping a course.  I know how frustrating that can be.  I just parked myself out of the way and watched. 

Once she was done jumping I had about five minutes to warm up.  Liam was being really good and quiet so we started jumping.  This would have gone disastrous a year ago without a proper flat, but I think my boy is growing up.  We were able to have a five minute warm up and a productive jump school!!!

The course:

We started warming up over the natural (brown) vertical on the diagonal circling each direction.  Liam started off really quiet and I had to really use my leg. 

Then we put together a short course:

First time one came up great rolling back to two was good, but I made a move with my shoulders too much, three was a bit weak.  Heading to four liam dived right with his shoulders and five to six was perfect in five strides.  All in all, the entire course was good, but I am a perfectionist...

Second Course:

We decided to keep the start of the second course the same one through four and then jump the in to the five stride line for jump five with a roll back to an oxer for jump six then up the diagonal line for seven and eight in five strides.  Jump one was awesome again.  Totally fixed my shoulders to jump two and it came up perfect, three was much better.  I rode better to four, but Liam pulled me past the distance a little and I gave a big (way to much) release and we had a hard rub at jump four.  Five came up great, I actually settled to five which made the roll back set up perfect.  Liam took a hard peak at six (walls in front of oxer) and jumped the moon over it, but landed and just cantered softly away.  Liam took another peak at seven (pink flowers with white gate) and jumped hard and I just kind of sat there shocked and didn't do a thing.  Like hello, you have another jump coming in five strides - WAKE UP!  I just left it up to Liam to figure it out out of the line and he really showed his education here.  He just softly cantered down and the distance to eight was either a little long in five (correct) or chuck one in for add in six.  I just kind of sat there like a rag doll and Liam made the decision to make a big effort and jump out in five.  I just kind of went along with it.  Good boy.  He really is turning into an ameture horse.

Next we deicided to skip one and two and start with three through eight.  I completely fixed the turn from three to four.  I cut the corner too short to five and it made that jump really tight.  Roll back to six was great.  Liam was pulling down to seven and I felt like he never looked up, but it worked out in five strides.  My friend suggested when he is pulling down like that to counter bend for a few strides to lighten him back up. 

Did five through eight again and all was good!  Still a little pulling down, but good...  Maybe he was getting tired...

I was supposed to horse show this weekend on Sunday, but the horse show moved all the jumper classes to Saturday and is going to run a two ring show instead of a one ring show on Saturday and Sunday.  Unfortunatly, I have other plans on Saturday and can't attend the show.  Missing my first show of the season already...  I am a bit disappointed, but it is still early in the year and there are plenty of other shows to go to.   Next one on the list is May 4th. 


  1. Sounds like a good school, sucks about the rescheduling.

  2. Bummer about not being able to show! Hopefully May 4th will come quickly!

  3. Sounds like it was fun! I hate when rescheduling fiascos happen. Hopefully the next show is soon :)
