Friday, October 24, 2014

Hobble Hobble

Nothing really interesting to report on the Liam front. He has been really good all week.

I let my kitty in from outside this morning and she came in hobbling by not putting any weight on her front right leg. She wasn't even outside that long, I don't know what she did...  I am just imagining super kitty flying through the air. She really does some crazy things... My mom has nicknamed her the bullet, because she runs every...

I was able to look at her leg between her trying to bite me and swat at me and it all seemed ok... After about 30 minutes of hemming and hawing on what to do I decided to wait it out. My reasoning is that she came in, ate food and drank, then curled up in her bed. If she was in that much pain she wouldn't have eaten or drank... She was also licking her leg in her bed and as I was leaving she got up and used the leg a little to readjust herself. I don't think she is in constant pain or anything... Here's hoping I made the correct decision when I get home later...


The culprit paw...


  1. aww she's a cutie!! my cat did the same thing for a few days, then was fine. i wasn't too worried bc cats weigh so little and can get around 3 legged w no problem. so the slightest ouch might make them favor that leg completely (not like horses, who need to be in significant pain to stop using a foot). hope she feels better soon!

  2. Sounds like maybe a mild strain if she was able to use it to get comfortable in her bed. I hope she's all better by now! She is such a cutie!
